Head massage

treatments / Massages, Vilnius, Kaunas
Is your life full of rush, mental work and constant tension? No wonder, after all, we can call these times the age of the mind industry. Now more than ever, mind, intelligence, and career highs are valued. All this leads to more time spent in the workplace and the stress hormones are released. Shoulder, chest, neck and head massage are performed during the head massage. After this massage you will feel deep relaxation, lightness of shoulder and neck movements, severe headache and clarity of thoughts. During the massage you will lie on an amber mattress and we will heat the hot spots with hot amber bags. After the massage, with a cup of warm amber tea, we will discuss the condition of your body and answer your questions.

Head massage

45,00 55,00 

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,
REGISTRATION 30 min. / 45€ | 45 min. / 45€